The noble personalities are noticeable as the great mountain of Himalayas even though they are hidden far away from others. But the one who ignorant with evil act are lost like an arrow which released in a dark forest… So shape yourself to be a noble one!
Triple gem, without a discrimination help for everybody. Tissa thero is a fine example of an ideal Buddhist monk. The service he is carried out, helping the people who came to him searching for helps both physical needs and spiritual needs he will cure them and make their lives happier. He has attracted many people towards the temple wisely. That because he knows the real salvation to all kind of problems which people face has only achievable through the temple.
When talking about uplifting the life standards of the villagers, at the time Tissa thero has first came there were no electricity to the village. But in a very short period he makes sure every family in the village enjoy the benefits of electricity. And he is thanking to North Central Electricity board deputy General Manager Mr. Gunathilake for the help he has given to achieve this type of massive task.
As this is the dry zone in the country, these areas has a problem of drinking water throughout the year. With the help of former president Mr. Mahinda Rajapakshe and Thalawa water tower authorized Officer Mr. Ajith, Ven. Tissa thero has lay-down kilometers of water pipes for whole village and fulfill the water requirement of the villagers.
Not only that , with help of chief executive of Sri Lanka Telecom Mr. Lalith de Silva, Ven. Tissa thero had able to provide the telecom facility to all the houses in the village. So, for a rural village to having facilities like carpeted roads, three face electricity, road water lines, telephone lines is a great achievement. All of these have been possible because of the courage of Ven. Jinawansa Tissa thero who had a pure mind to develop the life standard of the surrounding villages of the temple.
And thero always extending his gratitude towards former president Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe, his secretary Mr. Gamini Senerath, Deputy minister W.B Ekanayake and the Governor of the north Central province or giving him all the support to make his dream come true. In every Wesak full moon day he list oil lamps alone the road for kilometers for spreading the merits towards all the people who has taken part to make this project successful.